Is douching really necessary?

Douching is not necessary, but instead is a preference. Until you feel the urge to go to the bathroom, poop is stored in the sigmoid colon (see image below) way out of reach for any penis. In fact, poop is usually not present in the rectum.


With that being said, once you’ve passed a bowel movement your rectum is especially good to go for butt stuff for a long time! If you’re getting enough fiber, the fiber bulks your stool and acts like a sweeper in your colon, leaving very little residue behind. Try to prioritize fiber in your diet so that you aren’t solely relying on douching.


It’s important to never ignore that “gotta go” feeling. If you feel like you need to poop, go poop! If you ignore the sensation, your rectum will relax and you won’t have that sensation again until a new stool enters the picture. Emptying your rectum naturally is one of the best ways to be sure your rectum is empty without having to douche at all. You can always use a finger or a toy to test your cleanliness first to decide if you’d like to douche or not.