How can I prepare to be ready for a long time, like when I’ll be out all day then head to an afterparty?

Fiber is key for keeping your bum ready for bottoming all day. Besides fiber’s ability to bulk your stool and sweep your colon of residue, fiber also keeps you regular. Regularity is your bestie when it comes to bottoming. Once you are more in tune with your regularity, you can have a better game plan to be out and about for the day.


For example, you’ve been taking fiber supplements for a month now, your diet is pretty consistent, and you pretty much have one bowel movement every morning. If you are someone that prefers to douche, you could douche after that bowel movement and have very little worries the rest of the day.


If you’re someone that has irregular bowel movements, try to start incorporating fiber supplements into your diet so that you can be in tune with your regularity. Your body is giving you info that will be vital in making future outings so much easier.